Charity online market
Identification, web page, and printed materials for a Polish/American IT company establishing a global presence.
Identification, web page and mobile app. User-centred indoor navigation for shopping malls and other large public places.
Identification, web page, mobile app and printed materials for a child company of Source Corp.
Identification and web page for a child company of Source Corp, with all-in-one marketing solutions, establishing its presence in the UK.
Identification, web page, and printed materials for the most technologically advanced pain-treating clinic in Poland.
Identification and a web page offering affordable yacht charters.
Identification, printed materials and a web page offering premium soft skills courses for corporate clients.
Identification, web page and printed materials for an Art Dealing Foundation available exclusively for 500 selected art collectors.
Identification, web page, and printed materials for a dietary catering service, with 2 service types: flexible, inexpensive meals or professional, custom-tailored meals designed for athletes.
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